Monday, January 3, 2011


Tonight, in the spirit of new years resolutions and trying to be more healthy I started back at zumba class. Last year I hit those classes hard from January through May. I was intrigued by this logo "Ditch the workout join the party". I LOVED the class. Then one thing after another with my health came. Bad gallbladder, infected incision cite, back pain that was near crippling and lasted waaaaay too long, then to top it all off, a freaking sprained ankle! It seemed like every time I felt motivated enough to get back to the workout routine, something would happen to derail those efforts.

But I know that once I get back to 1 zumba class, that's all I need. Memories from my skating days at Hot Wheels, my dancing days at the club in college, and salsa dancing in Spain all come back to me at one time during a class. Not to mention, since becoming a mom of two, my days for the past 3 years have been pretty much controlled by the little ones. I'm completely out of it when it comes to top 20 songs. So getting back to zumba helps me to get in touch with that. It gives me one hour that I don't have to think about kids, a husband, what I didn't get done on my list that day, etc etc. Because come on, if you've ever been to a zumba class, the only thing you can think about is the music that gets you moving and just trying to keep up with everyone else.

No matter how tired I am by the evening when class comes, when I get out I feel reenergized, in a good mood, and totally committed to healthier eating since its such hard work. I can honestly say that I have never been that excited about working out. I don't ever see much results from anything I've tried. I used to run 2 miles a day and didn't lose a single pound. What's up with that? With zumba, I don't even care if I lose weight, though you do, even if you don't care.

One of the best things is that you get to take a lot of aggression out rather than do it on someone more deserving. Its like exercise, therapy, and entertainment all wrapped up in one. The devil may have gotten me off track last year by throwing me some curve balls, but he better watch out because this year, I'm throwing them all back!


  1. I totally agree! I think we both need some accountability. Like, if I know I am meeting you there then I won't get distracted by something else. :) Soooo, if you want a partner--I'm in!
    Bravo for you for going--that's awesome! :)

  2. Girl you are the most fun person to go to zumba with! You remind me of Goldie Hawn in Housesitter when she takes African Dance lessons.
