Saturday, January 22, 2011

scratch those new year's resolutions

I saw this post on I don't care what my new year's resolution was. The topic of this video is my life's resolution. I somehow had this, how do you say, quality of living when I was a college kid, and even post college. Life was all about the little things, toilet papering friends houses, going camping, floating on a tube down a river, taking a walk on the greenway, picnics, just exploring what life had to offer. Somewhere in the middle of having kids, and its totally understandable, I lost that.

Its funny because today Rick and I set a timer for one hour to clean the house and then we would devote the rest of the day to playing with the kids. On Saturdays our day often becomes about the "projects" that we have around the house. Then Maggie and Jacob are left to find something to get into all day, asking for us to play with them but we're usually too busy to stop whatever we're doing. Today would be different but it wasn't the kind of different I was looking for. When we were done cleaning we played for a little bit, then it was lunch, then I looked around and the house was getting messy again. I saw this video and showed it to Rick. We both felt it. IT was a desire to reach out and touch something that the One who made me, made for me. and for you. and your kids, and my kids. We have gotten caught in that stinkin rat race of buying our kids things they don't need when all they needed today was their mom and dad, a football, and two neighborhood kids. Did I mention it was 45 degrees outside? Didn't stop us. The first thing they did was go down to a creek and look at the different shapes that the water had frozen in. Then they picked out sticks and ran along the rocks. They played an hour long football game and they were totally covered in mud. And for the first time in my life I didn't care. I just took in that moment. Threw the football, stole kisses from my love while the kids were tackling each other. It was awesome. Actually, awesome wasn't even in the word. I'll get back to you when I think of one. Yeah, life will be going back to the way it was. Starting now.

1 comment:

  1. How awesome is that video? Totally makes me want to quit my job and stay home with my babies forever. LOVE the new makeover!!! Excellent job!!!!
