Thursday, March 3, 2011


I am warning you that I can see many posts in the future are going to be about how much money I have saved (not on car insurance) but in the society of women who coupon! My awesome friend Angela transferred her knowledge of getting a weeks worth of groceries for a family of 4 for under $75 onto me. I have heard people on tv trying to give tips but I guess since I didn't know them I didn't trust them. I think I thought they secretly worked for the grocery stores and it was all a scam. That's how my brain works. I guess its from working at DCS for too many years but I think you are all up to no good!

I would rather scrub YOUR bathroom then make a grocery list and go shopping, but I can almost see that grocery shopping will result in a buzz from saving so much money. I KNOW I'm gonna kick myself in the pants for wasting so much time not doing this. Its almost silly now to shop without coupons. I always thought it wasn't worth the effort but I see the light now!

Thanks Angela!

1 comment:

  1. YAY! You are too sweet to give me a shout out on your blog.
    I am so glad that you are so excited about it. That is the only way it will work! A lot of people can learn how to do it but few actually will. It doesn't have to be mucho time consuming but it does take time to reap the benefits of doing so.
    I meant to tell you that it is also important to allow yourself a break from it, if and when you get burnt out. Don't feel guilty about it, just pick it back up when you can and start saving again. Super empowering to save money! xo Proud of you sister!
